Cats are very fun pets. One thing that makes them so amusing is the fact that they are so playful. Fluffy may take her pounces and jumps seriously, but her practice sessions are often quite hilarious to watch. Regular play sessions are a great way to pamper your pet! Playing is actually very beneficial for kitties, both mentally and physically. Read on as a Lonoke County, AR vet offers some tips on playing with Fluffy.
Cats are very much creatures of habit. Try to play with your kitty every day, and, if possible, at the same time. (After dinner is a good bet.) You may be surprised at how quickly Fluffy comes to expect this, and how appreciative she is of it.
Kitties are hunters by instinct, so they are more or less hardwired to pounce and jump on things. However, you may need to teach your tiny lion that you are not a toy. It’s best to teach your furball manners when she’s young, but even adult cats can be ‘petucated.’ If your pet attacks you, blow in her face. You can also clap your hands, or just reprimand her in a stern, disapproving tone. Tell her not to bite, or instruct her to put her claws away. (She’ll probably give you a confused look, but that’s fine.) Then, ignore your feisty feline until she’s ready to play nice. Don’t yell at her; that may just scare her. She should get the hint eventually.
Variety is the spice of life. This also applies to cats … or at least their toys. Swap your furry little friend’s playthings out regularly. This will help keep things fun and fresh for her. Keep in mind that our feline pals all have their own personal tastes in playthings. Some like little balls, some prefer wand toys, and others just want to chase that little red dot from a laser pointer. (There are also kitties that just want to bat bottlecaps around, but that’s another topic.) Try different things, and see what Fluffy likes best. Just be sure to put wand toys away after use. Your pet could get tangled up if she tries to play with it alone!
Please contact us, your Lonoke County, AR vet clinic, for all of your cat’s veterinary care needs. We’re dedicated to offering great care!
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