Do you have a bunny for a pet? Floppy is an adorable and charming little pet. She’s also very cuddly! Your pet will need a bit of help caring for her fur, however. Read on as a Cabot, AR vet offers some tips on grooming a bunny.
You’ll need to brush your little buddy regularly. How often ‘regularly’ means will depend on Floppy’s coat. Super-fluffy buns, like Angoras, need to be brushed daily. Others may only need to be brushed weekly. Be very gentle, and don’t pull or tug hard at knots. Rabbit skin is very delicate, and rips easily.
A few times a year, your rabbit will blow her coat out. Or, to put it another way, Floppy will basically explode as she is changing outfits. This is call molting. You’ll need to brush your furry pal every day when she is molting. This is both to help remove the old fur and keep your pet from swallowing it. Ingesting fur is quite dangerous for bunnies. When cats swallow fur, they expel it as hairballs. Bunnies, however, can’t do this. Ask your vet for specific advice about molting times, including recommended supplements and/or hairball preventatives.
Did you know that you should never bathe a bunny? Rabbits are often terrified and traumatized by water, and can actually go into shock. If Floppy gets something spilled on her torso, rump, or paws, you can gently lower that part of her body into a tote or sink filled with lukewarm water. Swish the water around to gently clean her.
You’ll need to clip your little buddy’s claws regularly. Most rabbits need this done about once a month, but it may vary a bit. Ask your vet to demonstrate proper techniques.
You shouldn’t have to do much to Floppy’s eyes. However, if you see dust, tear stains, or goop in her eyes, just wipe it away gently with a clean, damp cloth or cotton ball. (Note: if your pet’s eyes ever look watery, red, sunken, swollen, or goopy, have your vet examine her.)
You’ll need to clean your pet’s ears regularly. Be very gentle! Floppy’s ears are extremely sensitive. Use only soft cloths or cotton pads, and a vet-approved ear cleaning solution.
Please reach out to us, your Cabot, AR vet clinic, for all your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!
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